This is an exhaustive source list/ citations for our VPN Protocols Compared article. If you have the time, feel free to browse around and learn about the various security features each protocol implements. Also, if you find a mistake, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    • Implementations: OpenVPN (OpenVPN Project), OpenSSH (OpenBSD Project), L2TP/IPSec (xl2tpd + Libreswan), SSTP (Microsoft), SoftEther (Daiyuu Nobori, et al.), ScrambleSuit (Philipp Winter, et al., Tor Project), PPTP (Microsoft)
    • Protocol Support: Y = Supported, F = Planned (S1 = Stage 1, S2 = Stage 2), ? = Not Planned
  2. OpenVPN / OpenVPN xor (OpenVPN Project, haggismn, clayface)
  3. L2TP/IPSec (xl2tpd + Libreswan)
  4. SSTP (Microsoft)
  5. SoftEther (Daiyuu Nobori, et al.)
  6. OpenSSH (OpenBSD Project)
  7. ScrambleSuit
  8. PPTP (Microsoft)
  9. As in the Great Firewall of China. See:
  10. Ciphers
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